Evaporative Cooler Repair in Phoenix

Evaporative Coolers Require Regular Maintenance

Just like any other component of your HVAC equipment, your evaporative cooler in Phoenix requires regular up-keep in order for it to operate properly. An evaporative cooler, also known as a desert or swamp cooler, is a device designed to cool off the air through the evaporation of water. It works a bit differently than a standard air conditioner, which relies on vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycles to produce cold air. With an evaporative cooler, the temperature can cool down much more quickly when spurred on by the water turning to vapor. This method is preferred in very dry climates like Phoenix, providing an extra benefit to your home through the addition of moisture in the air. Maintenance is Key Just like any other AC system, you need to maintain your evaporative cooler so it’s always working at its best as well as to avoid repairs. For top-notch efficiency, Home Advisor suggests waiting until the temperature reaches at least 85 degrees, which saves about 50 percent on water usage. Then, turn on the water pump a few minutes before switching on the fan to saturate the pads and make for a more efficient cooling process. You may even want to put on your ceiling fans to aid in the circulation.
  • Before the summer begins, take off the panels from the unit and clean out any debris that has collected in the water pan. Take a look at the fan belt to make sure it has enough tension. As long as it doesn’t move more than an inch or so in either direction, you should be all set. You may need to replace the belt if it’s sagging, torn, cracked or worn.
  • Replace the cooler pads if they have suffered wear and tear.
  • Oil up the blower assembly bearing and the motor if necessary.
  • Run a test by switching the motor on. Are the cooling pads getting enough water evenly? Are there any leaks in the tray? Are there any cracks, holes or rust spots anywhere in the unit? If so, you may have to call in a professional for help.
Morehart Air and Heating specializes in evaporative cooler repair and maintenance. We are one of the go-to air and heating contractors to call for evaporative cooler service. For more information, please call Morehart’s office at 602-640-0444 or visit https://d2389tbb1g0ife.cloudfront.net.
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