Arizona hvac services

In this beautiful state of Arizona, your heating and cooling system is your most-used appliance– especially during the summer months. Whether it is your air conditioning system providing cool air, your heating system giving you warmth, or your heat pump serving two purposes, a good HVAC system is crucial to your home’s comfort.

But let’s be honest, most of us do not really know much about HVAC systems. Squeaking sounds, unusually high electricity consumption, or even a total system failure are not pleasant to experience. That is why we have created this guide – to equip you with the information to deal with some of the basic HVAC problems on your own and thereby, save some cash on the repairs. But when it comes to seeking the services of professionals, we will assist you in identifying the attributes of a good HVAC service company.

oil heater

Key Takeaways:

Basic Troubleshooting

Now that you’ve got the basics of HVAC maintenance down, let’s tackle some common problems you might encounter with your system. Remember, these tips are for minor hiccups – if things get too complicated or you’re unsure, it’s always best to call in the experts at Morehart AC & Heating.

Scenario 1: Your AC is Blowing Hot Air (Not Cool!)

The Arizona heat is brutal enough without your AC turning on you! If your air conditioner is blowing hot air instead of cool relief, don’t panic. There are a few common culprits you can check yourself before calling in the pros:

Scenario 2: Your Furnace is Giving You the Cold Shoulder

Brrr, a cold house in the winter is no fun! If your furnace isn’t producing any heat, here are a few things to investigate before calling in the cavalry:

Scenario 3: Weird Noises From Your HVAC Unit

If your HVAC system starts sounding like a scene from a horror movie, it’s definitely time to investigate. Those creaks, groans, and bangs could be trying to tell you something important. Here’s a breakdown of some common HVAC noises and what they might mean:

Remember, safety first! If you’re not comfortable working with electrical or mechanical components, don’t attempt any repairs yourself. Call Morehart AC & Heating and let our experienced technicians handle it for you.

When Your DIY Skills Just Won’t Cut It

Listen, we’re all for empowering homeowners to tackle minor HVAC fixes. But there comes a time when you need to wave the white flag and call in the pros. Here are a few signs that it’s time to call Morehart AC & Heating for backup:

There you have it, folks! Your HVAC system doesn’t have to be a mystery. With a little DIY know-how and the help of Morehart AC & Heating when needed, you can keep your home comfortable all year round. Remember, regular maintenance is key to preventing problems and saving money in the long run. So, roll up those sleeves, change that filter, and give your HVAC system the love it deserves. And if things get too complicated, don’t hesitate to call us. We’re always here to lend a helping hand and keep you cool in the summer and cozy in the winter.